yell-f-and-blue-f-on-brain-.jpg (115424 bytes)
blue-fish-1200-aj-red.jpg (132999 bytes)
Shoal-caught-in-the-light.jpg (218247 bytes) Fish shoal caught in the light
stripy-fish-shoal-reversed-.jpg (147622 bytes)
Clowny-and-anenomea.jpg (169456 bytes) Clown fish above anemone
two-clown-fish.jpg (316921 bytes) 2 Clown fish above anemone
diver-and-clam.jpg (158446 bytes) Diver with giant clam
Maori-Wrasses-diver-leg.jpg (129806 bytes) Maori Wrasse with diver behind showing size of fish!
Manta-td.jpg (84984 bytes) Snorkelling with a Manta Ray
baby-shark.jpg (151360 bytes) Baby Shark
Large-coral-fan.jpg (105666 bytes) Large coral fan
nice-blue-tinged-fish.jpg (174591 bytes)